Jane Britt’s Last Seen

Last Seen partners renowned artists with vision impaired Australians to depict their most cherished visual memory.

Jane’s memory is of Christmas in Sorrento, Italy as a 15-year-old. She remembers the church bells pealing, Santa Claus in a horse-drawn carriage, Christmas lunch decorated with bright red poinsettias and delicious smells of traditional Italian cooking.

The Last Seen artworks were sold to help Queensland Eye Institute carry on vital medical research to save sight.

Experience the immersive artwork soundscape:

Artist: Rick Everingham

Rick Everingham was paired with Jane Britt to paint her memories of a Christmas in Sorrento, Italy.

Rick has established himself as a successful and respected Australian artist. Since his first one-man exhibition in 1970, he has held numerous exhibitions in Australia, and international shows in Los Angeles, Tokyo and in Italy. No stranger to painting Italy, Rick and his wife bought a house in a small village in Tuscany and settled there for 11 years.

Finding it challenging to paint just one picture, Rick’s original painting evolved into twelve individually researched ‘postcards’ capturing the beauty of Sorrento.


Rick Everingham looking at camera surrounded by his paintings

Can art save sight?

This multisensory exhibition that was featured in April, partnered ten influential artists with visually impaired Australians to depict their last, or most cherished memory before their sight deteriorated.



‘Mountains in the Sun’


Previous: ‘Faith’


Next: ‘Mountains in the Sun’