Over 13 million Australians have one or more chronic eye conditions. Close to 500,000 are vision-impaired or blind. Around 90% of all blindness and vision impairment is preventable or treatable if detected early.

At the Queensland Eye Institute Foundation our mission is to reduce eye disease, improve eye health, and ultimately eliminate preventable blindness in the community.

Proceeds from Last Seen will support our focus on inherited eye diseases and the creation of Queensland’s first genetic eye diseases register to connect patients with clinical trials. Proceeds will also develop our electrophysiological testing capabilities to aid the diagnosis of genetic eye diseases.

Thank you for buying a raffle ticket to help us save sight. The winners will be published on this page after the raffle is drawn on 21st April 2023.



The Last Seen project enables the Queensland Eye Institute Foundation to continue
its research to Save Sight.

Last Seen logo

Like many things in life that are just expected, eyesight is one of those things we take for granted. Help our scientists carry on with their vital medical research so they can provide better health outcomes for all.

The donation you make today can one day save or restore the sight of someone you love.


How Queensland Eye Institute
helps save sight

QEI Purpose Wheel