Katie Kelly OAM PLY’s Last Seen

Last Seen partners renowned artists with vision impaired Australians to depict their most cherished visual memory.

Katie’s last seen memory is the Merewether Baths in Newcastle. She remembers the salt on her skin, the warmth of the sun on her back and the waves that would flow over into the pool.

The Last Seen artworks were sold to help Queensland Eye Institute carry on vital medical research to save sight.

Experience the immersive artwork soundscape:

Artist: Tracie Eaton

Internationally renowned artist Tracie Eaton was paired with Katie Kelly OAM PLY to paint her last memory of Merewether Baths in Newcastle.

Recognised by the Global Art Agency as one of the ‘Leading & Investable Contemporary Artists’ worldwide, Tracie’s painting style is unique with boundless creativity.

Faith is an acrylic and mixed media painting. Tracie has intentionally painted each section of the artwork with a different brush stroke and texture so viewers, including those with a vision-impairment, can appreciate the different styles.  Inspired by Katie’s determination, optimism and joy of life, Tracie made the painting vibrant and rich in colour.


Can art save sight?

This multisensory exhibition that was featured in April, partnered ten influential artists with visually impaired Australians to depict their last, or most cherished memory before their sight deteriorated.

‘The Patterns of Colours in our Mind’


‘A Memory Board for Jane’


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Next: ‘A Memory Board for Jane’