Michael Lyddiard’s Last Seen

Last Seen partners renowned artists with vision impaired Australians to depict their most cherished visual memory.

Former Australian Army soldier Michael Lyddiard was on tour when his life changed forever.  Michael vividly remembers that autumn afternoon in 2007 and the moments before and after the explosion: the peaceful hut and green landscape suddenly charred by dirt and blood, and with it, the burning sensations and smells.

The Last Seen artworks were sold to help Queensland Eye Institute carry on vital medical research to save sight.

Experience the immersive artwork soundscape:

Artist: Kym Hart

Kym Hart has painted Michael Lyddiard’s last significant visual memory before he lost his right eye – the memory of a Taliban-made improvised explosive device (IED) detonating.

Kym was inspired to become an artist by his internationally acclaimed father Pro Hart, whose teachings and influence adorn the walls of Kym’s family home. His artistry is drawn from extensive travel throughout Australia, and from time in Egypt, Japan, Saudi Arabia and Hawaii.  He has developed a talent to paint in a range of styles and mediums and an intriguing mix of fantasy, surrealism and realism.


Can art save sight?

This multisensory exhibition that was featured in April, partnered ten influential artists with visually impaired Australians to depict their last, or most cherished memory before their sight deteriorated.

Painting of David Truong's last seen image

‘Precious Light’


‘A Memory Board for Jane’


Painting of Jane Britt's last seen image
Painting of David Truong's last seen image

Previous: ‘Sunrise’


Painting of Jane Britt's last seen image

Next: ‘A Memory Board for Jane’